Working with visual facilitator Jon Dorsett, the Cactus Crew have created a visual record of their journey on Ignite. Known as graphic harvesting, the process captures a conversation through art. For the Cactus Crew, this conversation was all about their favourite bits of being part of Ignite, what they want to do more of, and how they would use this experience in a future job interview.
We had some fantastic, thoughtful responses to our questions. Answers included:
“Cactus Crew is an amazing place where we can explore our interests and find new friends that enjoy the same things.”
“I know a lot more about where I live in terms of its heritage and it’s good to know as it’s important to where I live I think.”
“I would say in the perfect job interview I have learnt how to work as a team with other people. And how to communicate.”
There were also some great creative responses, including a cactus cake by Oliver and Hannah, who like Cactus Crew because “we work hard and then get to enjoy the rewards. Like baking a cake and getting to eat it.”

Jon’s final piece really caught the essence of what Cactus Crew is about: listening to young people, and using their interests to create opportunities in heritage and skills for the future. During their time in Cactus Crew, young people have not only learned about their local heritage of both Bradford and Yorkshire, but have also been supported to reinterpret that heritage and make it more relevant for fellow teenagers.
You can watch a timelapse of the process below.
You can find out more about Cactus on their Facebook page. You can also find out more about Jon Dorsett’s work on his website.
Click here for more info on previous work by the Cactus Crew.